There are many preconceptions and misconceptions about automotive fanatics and the members of the automotive field. When people imagine the truck driving breed, a lot of the time they imagine rednecks and loud trucks. When people see the small 4 banger with the wing that's too big and hear the exhaust coming straight out of the downpipe, they think about the average ricer and probably picture a showoff that wants everyone to see him. However, making preconceptions about these people, no matter how natural, sometimes isn't the best representation of the culture.

My good friend from my hometown and I are always looking for something to improve on either of our cars during the summer. While we know that sometimes we may not know what we're doing before we jump into the middle of a project, we also know that we find this the best way to learn, and that it can be thrilling. Simply put, we consider ourselves to be inquisitive and inventive in the way we enjoy most. Not only do we fall into this category, but all of my friends that are as enthusiastic about the automotive field aren't weird or attention-seekers.
Therefore, I believe it's important to consider the motives and backgrounds of the members of the automotive field before assuming the worst. The book "An Introduction to Modern Vehicle Design" gives young engineers and enthusiasts as insight to the culture and careers of automotive design and the kinds of people that work in the field. It features many lectures from those working in the field and those studying the engineering aspects. This book provides a good view of the reality of all things automotive.
Sources (book review) (truck picture) (civic picture)