Thursday, April 7, 2016

Goodyear’s Spherical Tire: A Glimpse into the Future

By: Grattan R.

With the autonomous car becoming an advancing reality, Goodyear has decided to undergo prototyping and design of a far-off future tire. The tire will actually be a spherical design that will be suspended from the car by a magnetic field, eliminating the need for wheels and axles in tires. Presumably, technology of automobiles will have to advance quite a bit for tires to be magnetically levitated under a car, but a lot of companies are not too far off from making magnetically powered cars. The tire will be able to have a custom tread for any specification thanks to 3D printing the tread, meaning tires can be created and adapted for different conditions. In addition to not requiring axles, the tire does not require suspension, dramatically reducing weight and cost of vehicle production.

The tire is adaptable to different conditions, a sponge-like groove design softens when wet to create deeper grooves for more traction and to prevent hydroplaning in rainy conditions. In addition, water is dispersed from the tire and these grooves thanks to centrifugal force. The grooves stiffen when dry versus wet to offer better performance. The tire is not all rubber though, underneath the layer of rubber is foam which helps the tire make better contact with the road.

In terms of safety enhancements, active technology allows the tire to rotate freely, thus reducing the chance of losing control of the car due to hazards. The free rotation also allows the car to have a smooth ride with fluid movement, the car can pass another vehicle without having to change direction at all. One problem someone might suggest is wear of tires causing uneven surfaces, the tires will have sensors to rotate the tires automatically after assessing tread wear. One more benefit of free rotating tires is less area needed to park due to each tire being able to rotate individually.

Clearly this technology is far off, but when someone first came out with a design for an autonomous car, everyone assumed that was just as far away, and look where we are now. This tire could see a new mode of transportation and safety for the future, provided the technology is there to produce it.

Sources Cited

“The Future Tire by Goodyear - It's a Sphere!”. CarThrottle.Com. CarThrottle. 6 April 2016. Web. 7 April 2016.

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